How many copies of the Caregiver Assistance News do I get each month?
Each month you receive by email links to several formats, view newsletter format. You have the right-to-reproduce as many copies as your license allows, usually 100 copies per month. Higher quantity licenses available.
When can I expect my issues to be delivered?
The newsletter is emailed from the 1st to 7th of each month three weeks before the issue date, e.g. February issue is emailed by January 7th.
What if I find an issue is not useful for my program?
Simply email us and we will swap it out for a back issue of your choice from the Back Issue Library.
Can I use the articles and illustrations in our own publications? Yes, for no additional charge, ask to receive the Word document and accompanying illustrations to add to your own newsletter or other publications. When using the articles, please give credit with the statement: “Reprinted with permission from the Caregiver Assistance News.”
Can I add our own information to the newsletter? Yes, replace the placeholder text in the page 3 Cartoon space with your own text or leave our text. Cartoon Replacement Text Format Need more space? Use our Cartoon Replacement Text + Electronic Quiz + Fillable Blank Page Format which provides a fillable last page.
Is there a money back guarantee?
You must be completely satisfied with Caregiver Assistance News, or you may cancel at any time in the coming year for a full refund for all undelivered issues.