In-Service Needs

If You Train Caregivers

Caregiving in The Comfort of Home® series of products is the answer

The Comfort of Home® Caregiver Assistant Newsletter (link to: Newsletters – Professional Caregivers) fulfills your staff’s one-hour, monthly CE credit requirement with a simple, entertaining, and informational monthly newsletter. For less than $1 per day you can provide your staff with a monthly newsletter that gives caregivers the information needed to do their job with confidence, pride and an increased level of competence.

For complete in-service caregiver training programs, The Comfort of Home® series includes a “one-stop” multi-medium Caregiver Training Presentation Kits. (link to: Caregiver Training Presentation Kit) Presentation Kits include a PowerPoint presentation, instructor’s notes and handouts designed to deliver a comprehensive family or para-professional caregiver training program.

And for your lobbies and libraries – consider the award-winning The Comfort of Home caregiving books (link to: General Caregiving books & Guides) created for the family caregivers you work with every day.

I have found the monthly in-services to be extremely informative and helpful to the nurses’ aides. They have a requirement of 15 hours per year. I have been with The Comfort of Home since 2004. Great in-service for the staff. Debra Popovich, RN,MHA, President/CEO, Personal Care Home Health Services, Inc.

Pictures of the newsletters and the Comfort of Home books – click on products will take you to that product page


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